WELCOME! You have just made a quality decision to improve your life NOW  . . .  and forever!

Many people have found eternal life and experienced MIRACLES . . . real miracles . . . while doing these studies. You will obtain a good first-hand knowledge of the Brit Chadashah (the Hebrew New Testament) of the Holy Bible.

There are twelve (12) lessons: An introductory first lesson and ten others (lesson eight is divided into two parts). You will learn how to know Yeshua (Jesus), who is God’s Son, in a personal way. You will learn how to walk with Him and how to please Him.

While will enjoy doing the lessons and learn at the same time. Many people through the years, including children, have received MIRACLES - real miracles - as a result of these lessons.

Do not skip the “Introductory Lesson.” (The lesson titled "Joy is a Word." ) Even though it is the easiest in the series, it is the one where you will make sure you know Jesus personally and are on your way to Heaven!

The lessons cover the whole New Testament of the Holy Bible and are designed to be studied in order, by their numbers. After you open each lesson from the directory, you can save that lesson to a file; or you can print the lesson.

Some people like to print them and then study with a group  . . .  or write the answers in by hand at home, and then later, during the group session, compare answers for discussion.

When you finish the lessons, you will have a solid knowledge of the New Testament. Many people like to re-study the lessons once a year or periodically. Also, you can use the studies to teach others.

May God richly bless you as you learn His Word ... and learn His will ... for your life!

Your friend,

Prince Handley

P.S. - Many people have received MIRACLES while studying these lessons.

>>> Go to Introductory Lesson:
Joy is a Word  

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  [Jesus, the Messiah]

University of the future