University of the future


How to learn God’s program

Have you ever wondered if God has a master plan? You know, like a plan of the ages, or a program for the world? Well, he does! And it is all written in the Holy Bible for you to learn.

In the book of Romans you will learn about sin – where it came from and how God made a way to set us free. You will learn about God’s Law – why it was given and how it had no strength to change our human nature. You will also learn about the nation Israel – what God has planed for her.

The Holy Spirit used the apostle Paul to write the followers of Jesus in Rome to tell them about salvation and their new life, as well as God’s program for the world. When was the Good News first promised? [Romans 1:2]



The gospel (Good News) is God’s power, or God’s dynamite! What will it do? [Romans 1:16]



Why does God punish men who sin? [Romans 1:19]


How will God reward every person? [Romans 2:6]


God gave the Law of Moses to the Jews (the people of Israel) so that they would know when they sinned. (Read Romans 3:19-20.) The Law is like a mirror. When we look into it, we see our imperfections (sin).




Why are both Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles) judged under sin? [Romans 2:12-16]




How does God put men right? [Romans 3:22]


Who needs to be saved? [Romans 3:23]



How did God show us how much he loves us? [Romans 5:8]




Read Romans 5:12. When Adam (the first man who ever lived) sinned, what happened to the human race?



Just as sin ruled by means of death, how does God’s grace rule those who receive it? [Romans 5:21]



How should we give ourselves to God? [Romans 6:13]




How have we been set free from the law of sin and death? [[Romans 8:2]



There is NO condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus!

Study Romans 8:8-14 carefully. What happens if we obey our human nature?


What happens if we obey God’s Spirit?




How do we know that we are God’s children? [See Romans 8:16]



No matter what happens to you, if you love God and are called according to his purpose, God works [           ] things for good. [Romans 8:28] 

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[Romans 8:31]

 The apostle Paul was Jewish. (His Jewish name was Shaul, or Saul.) Read what sorrow he had in his heart for his own people. [Romans 9:2] He wanted them to know their Messiah (the Christ ... the Anointed One) personally, as he did. For centuries the Jews had waited for the Messiah. The prophets in the Tanakh (the Jewish Scriptures, or Old Testament) had written of him, how that he would come and be their king, the Holy One of Israel.

Yet they did not realize that first he must come as the lamb of God to die for our sins, before he would come back as King: the Lion of the tribe of Judah. John said, “He came unto his own (Israel, the Jews) and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God ...” [John 1:11-12]


Did God reject his own people (the Jews)? [See Romans 11:1-6]


When the nation of Israel did not receive Yeshua (Jesus) at his first coming, salvation came to the goyim (Gentiles). (That is, the apostles started preaching to the non-Jews, or Gentiles.) If the sin of the Jews (in rejecting Messiah Jesus) brought rich blessings to the rest of the world, think how much greater the blessings will be when the complete number of Jews is included! [Romans 11:11-12]


Most of the believers in the early church during the first century were Jewish; however, the nation of Israel - as a whole - did not receive Him as their Messiah.

 Study, and then read again Romans 11:16-24 very carefully. God describes Israel as a cultivated olive tree and the Gentiles (non-Jews) as a wild olive tree. Why should Gentiles NOT despise the Jews? [See verse 18]




What secret truth does the book of Romans teach which will keep the Gentiles from thinking how wise they are? [Romans 11:25]




After the complete number of Gentiles comes to God, then the complete number of Jews will be included. All Israel (those who believe) will be saved. When the Messiah Jesus comes back to Israel, what will he take away from the descendants of Jacob (the Jews)? [Romans 11:26-27]


Because of God’s many mercies to us (both Jews and Gentiles), what should we do? [Romans 12:1]



Your next study (Lesson 8 - Part A) will be: How to Know the News in Advance.

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Lesson 8-A
